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Board of Education Members

Kristin Hubley

President (2028)

Robert Mahardy Jr.

Vice President (2027)

Sara DeFazio


Jacqueline Edwards


Jeremy Fennell


Steve King


Abbie Taylor


District Clerk

Mandy Mroz
District Clerk

1 Marauder Boulevard
New York Mills, New York 13417
(315) 768-8127

Sub-Committee Members

Policy Committee
Steve King (Chair)
Jacqueline Edwards
Abbie Taylor

Facilities Committee
Jeremy Fennell (Chair)
Sara DeFazio
Jacqueline Edwards

Communications Committee
Abbie Taylor (Chair)
Robert Mahardy Jr.

Health and Safety Committee
Robert Mahardy Jr. (Chair)
Abbie Taylor

Transportation Committee
Sara DeFazio (Chair)
Robert Mahardy Jr.

Finance Committee
Jacqueline Edwards (Chair)
Sara DeFazio
Jeremy Fennell

Steve King  

SBI Alternate
Jacqueline Edwards