Hybrid & Remote Instruction Plan
NYM Gr. K-6 Remote Instruction Plan
Oneida-Herkimer-Madison BOCES is the lead educational agency responsible for remote teaching and learning at the elementary level. BOCES is staffing the remote “classrooms” with certified grade-level teachers to teach the elementary program. These teachers are receiving specific professional development on how best to deliver instruction remotely. The curriculum is tied to the same NYS Learning Standards being taught at New York Mills.
NYM Gr. 7-12 Hybrid and Remote Instruction Plan
Grades 7, 8 & 10 will attend in-person on Mondays & Tuesdays. Grades 9, 11 & 12 will attend in-person on Thursday & Friday. Students will attend all of their classes over the 2 days in-person in 78 minute blocks. When they are remote they will repeat the in-person schedule via the Google Classroom or Buzz. Wednesday will be a day for “Teacher Office Hours.” Students will be able to schedule time w/ their teachers individually via Google Meet for instructional support on this day.
Please note: Some electives may be fully remote due to limitation in the in person schedule.
Bell Schedule
Homeroom/Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Period 4
*No After School until further notice
NOTE: P-TECH & CTE students will be able to attend their BOCES classes at Middle Settlement Road Campus 5 days a week.
Entering the Building for In-Person Instruction
Busers/Walkers will enter through the front entrance. Car-riders can once again be dropped off at the teacher’s entrance to speed up the screening process. At both locations temperatures will be scanned, inquiries will be made about their general health, and students will access hand sanitizer prior to entering classrooms.
Attendance & Grading
During remote instruction days students will be expected to log in during regular school hours and submit assignments by the end of the blocked period for attendance and assessment of remote engagement. If there is a 4 day week we will not have Wednesday office hours that week. Instead both groups of students will have 2 consecutive days of in-person instruction.
We will continue to follow the Attendance & Grading Policy approved by the Board of Education however, since much of a student’s work will be done “at home,” 20% of each marking period grade will be based on “Remote Engagement,” in lieu of “homework,” for increased accountability in remote classes. Grades will be kept on the Google Classroom and emails will be able to be sent to parents regarding progress and missing assignments, etc. Students home sick will be able to participate remotely.
Transitioning & Dismissal
Students will not be assigned lockers but, will carry their materials for all of their periods that day (4) in their backpacks. A few minutes before each bell, teachers will provide students with a disinfecting wipe to wipe down their desktop, seat and seat back which they can dispose of when they exit the room.
When moving from class to class students must have masks on but, should still attempt to leave space between themselves and others. They will be required and reminded to stay to the right of the hallway, leaving a clear path down the center.
At the end of the 2nd block-1⁄2 of the classrooms will be released to the cafeteria and the other half to the track (weather permitting) or the gym. The gym will be marked so students will be able to maintain 6 foot distance from each-other. If they choose not to be spaced apart while in the gym they will be required to wear masks. At the midpoint of the lunch period the 2 groups will switch locations.
Classrooms will be called to go to the buses/exit the building at the end of the day in a staggered manner for dismissal.